Gulf War M1A1 Abrams
This is my first attempt at a diorama. As such, I see a lot of problems with many aspects of it, but still think it’s worthy to “show-off.”
This is set during Operation Iraqi Freedom, otherwise known as OIF, at the conflict’s beginning. While combing some canyon areas that look ripe for an ambush, an M1A1 Abrams and a squad of infantry come across a group of insurgents. It was chaotic, but no one was injured and the American soldiers captured a couple of prisoners. Noticing that many of the insurgents ran up the stairs, a few soldiers went to investigate. As they search around the ruined building (where one soldier takes a moment to relieve himself), they find what appears to be a well cover and a well…but there is a ladder leading down into darkness. The well is actually an escape route, and the remaining insurgents are already emerging from a tunnel on the opposite side of the outcrop. At the moment, the Americans seem a little distracted and unfocused. Will the insurgents surprise attack with their RPG’s and small arms, or will they sneak away?
Note: In the beginning of OIF, American soldiers wore a DCU (Desert Camouflage Uniform) which is worn by the soldiers in this diorama. This uniform was later replaced in 2004-5 with the new ACU (Army Combat Uniform) with its “Universal Camouflage Pattern” or the non-technical term: Digital Camo. I have an SF friend who gave me his old combat DCU, which helped immensely while painting the figures. Thanks Joe!
Model Kits and Materials Used
The Tunnel
Woo June 24, 2022
Very cool dio bro!